Massimo!!! Where did you get the pictures of the 4 ladies representing virtues?! I'm in the process of creating some art decor at home and want to recreate the 4 virtue ladies.

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My morning coffee time is at an end so I have to finish this and think about its actual substance later but right now I need to ask probably the silliest question of all:

Epictetus apparently describes "ball players" in the Discourses, but I've never actually heard of any classical Roman ball games. What on earth were these ball players playing?

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The VP candidate Stockdale wasn't perhaps a perfect Stoic either. At least, his Reform party later chose infamous Buchanan as its candidate for the presidential elections.

Or would its members pick a cosmopolitan Stoic first and a racist/nativist four years later?

(already in the Perot/Stockdale days, the Reform party was protectionist and anti-migration)

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Quite satisfactory to a naturally social animal capable of reason--thanks.

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After many months of following this blog, recent posts have brought me to the point of making a brief comment. Dualism is being assumed in my view. Using reasoning as the way to be in line with Nature (the good, which I agree with) is not how Nature works in all other species. Auto-pilot is at work. Thoughts, memories, perceptions,...are caloric and electrochemical. Consciousness too is inextricable from the physical.(energy-matter-information) Doing "Spiritual Exercises" also assumes a non-physical realm exists. What is "Spirit?

Monism makes the most sense to me, and I'm lost in the "New Stoicism".

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